"Growing up with very little guidance in Islam, I remember first learning about Hussain (as) and the sacrifice he made in the Battle of Karbala. See, as a child I was always brought along to the majlis, but I was never really taught as I wish I was when I was in my youth. However, despite my lack of complete understanding, the passion, mourning and love for Imam Hussain (as) I was surrounded by at the majlis struck my heart every single time I was there. As I grew older, my desire to seek knowledge naturally flourished, so I finally researched Imam Hussain (as) and stories from his sacrifice. I still remember that day when I finally understood the truth. I think the impact was quite more significant because I've had to seek this truth about who really was Imam Hussain (as) and what exactly happened at Karbala by myself. I understood how significant of a role Imam Hussain (as) plays in not only standing up against oppression, but also protecting the truth. Without a doubt in my heart, Islam would have been so corrupted in the wrong hands if it wasn't for Imam Hussain's sacrifice and Bibi Zaynab's (sa) dedication to preserve the martyrdom. As I went deeper to study the personalities of Ahlul Bayt (as), I've gained more wisdom, knowledge and was given more examples of how I should conduct myself though the teachings of Islam and Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

(Nour) is my attempt to honor Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), his family (as) and companions through the expression of art, clothing, charity and brand. These three things are what I know how to do, and do well, so I was inspired to contribute to the awareness of Ahlul Bayt, "Family of the Prophet (saw)", through this expression. Surely this is far from the honor deserved, but my mission is to create a platform to connect with the youth and lovers of Ahlul Bayt to continue to spread the legacy through different channels, insh'Allah. Visit our shop as well as our blog where we will frequently create content to engage and more importantly, drive efforts against Islamophobia through our content. Lastly, I want to humbly request you to join our mailing list below so we can continue to have conversations about progress, insh'Allah. Thank you for your support. May Allah continue to spread his mercy on all of us."
